January: Started the year off at a great party with great friends, but had it ruined immediately via fighting with my boyfriend at the time. New Years Resolution? Not be so dramatically overemotional, in all parts of my life
March: Got accepted into American University, and made the decision to move to Washington, DC
May: Human Rights Fair: success! Got the award from The Las Vegas Review Journal as Best writer/reporter in the RJeneration. My mom went to jail, and I proceeded to experience my graduation, prom, and 18th birthday without her.
June: Graduated from Canyon Springs HS and the Leadership and Law Preparatory Academy and had a decent Prom night. My dress was the bomb, though
July: 18th birthday! Had a gigantic dance party at Fatty's house, and an overall great time. First tattoo, too
August: Said goodbye to everyone and moved to DC. Difficult, but it was worth it. Cut my hair!
October: Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, started branching out friend-wise at school, started dating someone new, and got arrested and spent 5 hours in jail, lol
December: Did better than I thought I would in my first semester, had someone close to me treat me the way he promised never to treat me, but had a really great christmas! Got a passport, too
January: First new years I've ever started with a kiss, i like it