31 January 2009

Well, I'M excited

Although there are many bands booked this year that I think are simply shitty (like last year), i'm still excited for Coachella. Let's hope I can get my hands on plane tickets to whisk me away to a great festival. I have no classes on Friday's so my attendance of all three days is an ACTUAL possibility.

Morri​ssey is on the lineu​p. Kind of cool,​ but not worth​ payin​g and havin​g to wade throu​gh a sea of douch​y hipsters in ameri​can appar​el,​ in my opini​on.​ Also,​ the cure is playi​ng.​ Ummm,​ what noob booke​d the bands​?​ there​ are two types​ of homos​ in this world​,​ cure homos​,​ and morri​ssey homos​.​ suffi​ce it to say, they don'​t get along​.​ 

I can't wait for summer

30 January 2009

29 January 2009

28 January 2009

26 January 2009

25 January 2009


Charlies Angels 3

23 January 2009

15 January 2009

Spring 2009

*Art of the Renaissance
*Understanding Media
*Visual Literacy
*Education for International Development
*Evolving perspectives and Portrayals of Women

I'm also in the works of adding on a piano class, so i can re-learn what i've forgotten!

12 January 2009

Want and Need

http://www.oaknyc.com/product/vena-cava-naked-dress - Buy it for me?

11 January 2009

World Update

Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being killed each day since Israel started its bomb campaign on 12/27. Yes, Israel was provoked (for the last three years since Israeli's were forced to leave the Gaza Strip, Palestinian groups have continually bombed the Israeli border). 
On the surface, many will point out that far more Palestinians have been killed in the past few days than Israeli's in the past few years because of cross-bombing. However, you have to point out the fact that Israel has been bombed on a day-to-day basis, and no matter how ineffective the bombs were at killing people,  Palestinian group's goal is death.
Like in Lebanon in 2006, Israel strives for an improbable outcome. If things are to progress naturally, Israel will soon be sending ground troops into Gaza. After that, this will be not just a battle, but a (new) war. Does Israel want this? Perhaps, but let's hope not.  
Possible reasons Israel may want war: Stop Palestinian groups from bombing Israel/protect its border. End the 100 years war against Palestine. With the growth of Iran and Iraq's nuclear weapons (and their hatred for Israel) perhaps Israel is trying to show they can protect themselves?
Whatever the reason, I hope it's a good one, and I hope it's worth it.

10 January 2009

Classy Reunion pt.1

You can thank yours truly for having such weird dreams

Random ex-girlfriend: Well one time he accidently punched me in the arm with his fist and then he kissed it better.
Me: Well all the time he punches me in the cunt with his dick, so...

08 January 2009

Las Vegas:

You are already greatly missed.

Washington, DC: you are too fucking cold.

01 January 2009

2008 Summary: to the 2 people that read this

January: Started the year off at a great party with great friends, but had it ruined immediately via fighting with my boyfriend at the time.  New Years Resolution? Not be so dramatically overemotional, in all parts of my life

March: Got accepted into American University, and made the decision to move to Washington, DC

May: Human Rights Fair: success! Got the award from The Las Vegas Review Journal as Best writer/reporter in the RJeneration. My mom went to jail, and I proceeded to experience my graduation, prom, and 18th birthday without her.

June: Graduated from Canyon Springs HS and the Leadership and Law Preparatory Academy and had a decent Prom night. My dress was the bomb, though

July: 18th birthday! Had a gigantic dance party at Fatty's house, and an overall great time. First tattoo, too
August: Said goodbye to everyone and moved to DC. Difficult, but it was worth it. Cut my hair!

October: Broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years, started branching out friend-wise at school, started dating someone new, and got arrested and spent 5 hours in jail, lol

December: Did better than I thought I would in my first semester, had someone close to me treat me the way he promised never to treat me, but had a really great christmas! Got a passport, too

January: First new years I've ever started with a kiss, i like it